1st Conference of the Journal “Etica Pubblica. Studi su legalità e partecipazione” (Public ethics. Studies on legality and participation) to be held in Perugia, Italy
Assuming that the higher the level of public ethics, the lesser the number of scandals, mostly in the area of public administration, evidences that support/ contradict this thesis may represent the focus of the paper. How would presenters describe the relationship between public ethics, public administration and scandals in their own country, possibly within a comparative perspective? How is the political systems affecting this relationship? Which legal constraints can improve the relationship between ethic and public administration? How did the relationship between public ethics, public administration and scandals evolved historically? Can news media contribute in preventing public malfeasances and in enhancing the level of public ethics? The discussion of actual examples is welcome but more theoretically oriented proposals dealing with different scientific approaches (historical, legal, sociological, etc.) are accepted as well.
(Text sourced from conference website)