Journalism and Alternative Media

Journalism and Alternative Media Virtually on Zoom

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Date: 7th of December

Time: 3-4.30 pm (CET)

The second NordJourn seminar will feature two thought-provoking keynotes that shed light on the evolving landscape of journalism and the significant impact of alternative media within distinct contexts.

Stephen Cushion, Professor Cardiff University: Beyond Mainstream Media: Alternative Media and the Future of Journalism Professor Cushion’s research delves into the rise of alternative media and their evolving content strategies. He addresses why individuals increasingly turn to alternative sources for news and information, emphasizing the differences in agenda between left-wing and right-wing alternative media. His comprehensive research, involving thousands of articles, social media posts, and extensive interviews, presents compelling insights into the role of alternative media in shaping public discourse.

Eva Mayerhöffer, Associate Professor, Roskilde University: Alternative media in Nordic Media Systems Do alternative media play a particular role in Nordic media systems? How and why do alternative media landscapes differ between the Nordic countries? And how can be best identify and study Nordic alternative media outlets, content, and users? To address these and other questions, the talk will build on different recent research findings on the content, dissemination, use and meta-journalistic discourse of/on alternative media in different Nordic countries and present a mapping of alternative news sharing networks and curation practices in Sweden and Denmark. The talk will argue that the phenomenon ‘alternative media’ also in the Nordic countries fundamentally changes how we need to understand – and research – news production, diffusion, consumption, and regulation.

Respondent: Kristoffer Holt, Professor, Linnæus University

The NordJourn seminar series welcomes scholars to lectures and conversations focusing on journalism and journalism research. For each online seminar the NordJourn organizing committee will appoint a chair who invites scholars to present research and reflections around a theme, one of which will focus on the Nordics. The presentations will be followed by a response by a senior scholar, and a constructive discussion to which all attendees are invited to participate. NordJourn will seek to address timely topics and themes, providing a platform for sharing recently published research as well as research projects underway. The NordJourn seminar series is organized in collaboration between four Nordic media departments:

  • Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)
  • Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University
  • Department of Language and Communication Studies, University of Jyväskylä
  • Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Gothenburg.