This third conference on medical television in the framework of the ERC funded BodyCapital project and in a joint venture with the Science Museum London intends to locate medical television more precisely – it intends to engage (medical) TV history with recent questions concerning the relevance of space within and beyond national borders. By comparative approaches, or under consideration of (sometimes contradictory) local, national and global developments, the conference intends to address the following themes:
- Locating medical television within global, national or local markets, politics and polities.
- Locating medical television as a means of new globally influenced medical communication in the public sphere from publicizing medical breakthroughs and frontier research to disseminating public health messages
- How television has represented medical location, and how that has depended on available technology and technique.
- Locating medical television within health communication and mediation including fairs, museums and collection displays.
- Comparisons with and transitions to other medical media, including exhibitions and displays, and film.
(Text sourced from conference website)