This event marks the launch of the Leverhulme Trust funded parents’ news use project – which runs from the fall of 2023 to the fall of 2025. The Leverhulme News Use project aims to examine how parents engage with and respond to news at critical moments of crisis. The project team includes Professor Ranjana Das, Dr Thomas Roberts, Dr Emily Setty and Dr Maria-Nerina Boursinou from the Department of Sociology (University of Surrey).
A day-long, international, virtual conference – this event brings together a global group of scholars involved with researching news use, news audiences and consumption, and news engagement and disengagement.
Keynote speakers
Keynote speakers at the event include:
- Professor Brita Ytre-Arne, University of Bergen, Norway
- Dr Jonathan Corpus Ong, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Professor Kim Schroeder, Roskilde University, Denmark
- Professor Sahana Udupa, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
- Professor Lynn Schofield Clark, University of Denver, Colorado.