Oral History and the Media

This conference aims to consider the relationship between oral history and the media, both historically and today, by exploring similarities, differences, opportunities and challenges between media practices and oral history practices, from interviewing to editing, audiences to ethics, covering topics such as:

  • The Use and Misuse of Oral History in the Media
  • Memories of (the) Media: Film, Books, TV, Radio, Theatre, Music.
  • The Influence of the Media on Memory: Mediated Memory and Prosthetic Memory
  • Oral History, Media and Editing: Soundbites, Vox-Pops and the ‘Cutting-Room Floor’
  • Oral History, Media and Interviewing: Intersubjectivity, Questions, and Emotion
  • Journalism, Crisis Oral History and Historical Distance
  • Oral Histories of the Media (professions, organisations and companies)
  • New Media, Social Media and Oral History
  • Changing Media and Formats and its implications for Oral History
  • Archiving, Preservation and Re-use of Oral Histories in the Media

(Text sourced from conference website)