The 12th International Conference on Multimodality 

The International Conference on Multimodality, ICOM, is a bi-annual event in the context of multimodality research, i.e. the study of how diverse expressive forms, or semiotic modes, work together in the meaning-making processes of our daily personal as well as professional communication. Multimodality research is primarily situated in the broad field of the humanities, often strongly affiliated with linguistics and communication studies and with connection points to information studies and artificial intelligence, psychology, sociology, and other disciplines. It is also currently seen as a stage of development that many fields and disciplines currently undergo, developing an interest in multimodal phenomena. 

The aim of the bi-annual conference is to provide space, time, and opportunities for scholars from these different fields and disciplines to exchange newest research results and interests, foster networking and collaboration, and build foundations for inter- and transdisciplinary triangulation.