The sixth Mapping the Magazine conference

The organizers seek proposals for individual papers on topics related to magazine research from many disciplines (Media and Communication, Journalism, Critical and Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Sociology, Linguistics, English, History, Visual Communication, and others). The MtM 2020 conference seeks to explore questions including but not limited to:

Conceptualizing the Magazine: What can be considered a magazine? What are the frontiers delimiting magazine types? Are new magazine types emerging? What ethical challenges do mixed types face?
Magazine analysis: What epistemological trends dominate in magazine analysis today? How do scholars build knowledge around magazines? What are the main methodological tools and approaches used to better understand magazine change and (trans)formation? What emerging and innovative research methods are being developed to study this field?
History of magazines: What can we learn from the past? What case studies inform our understanding of magazine media then and now?
Discussing business models: The impact of transmedia storytelling. How can print magazines survive? What can contribute to the success of magazines? What case studies can help us understand the possibilities and conditions of successful magazine projects?
Designing magazines: What is the relevance of graphical design in defining a magazine? Is there a distinctive role of design in the field of magazines when compared to other media? What is the role of photography and video in a magazine? Are popularity and emotion still associated primarily to images and to the magazine as a genre? Is the online circulation of material threatening the identity work of the magazines’ design?
Magazines and journalism: Are journalism studies a dominant paradigm in this field? What are the intersections, the problems, the convergences and divergences? What role do professional journalists play in this field? How do magazines work with different professional profiles to create diverse forms of content? How can the study of magazines (journalistic or not) help us understand journalism?
Magazines and organizational communication: What are the roles of hyper-focused magazine projects in the development of our understanding of magazines? What are the synergies between companies and media production? How the processes of internal communication impact on the way magazines are conceptualized?
Magazines and publics: What role do magazines play in a reader’s life? Do magazines still create communities, and how? Are these communities becoming increasingly atomized? Do these communities have a political impact?

(Text sourced from conference website)