Professor in Media and Communication Studies

The Department of Culture and Media Studies is part of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Umeå University and has about 65 employees. A unique combination of disciplines makes it a creative milieu for research meetings and collaboration between art, culture, media and literature. The department conducts internationally recognized research of high quality. For more information, visit:

The Department of Culture and Media Studies is looking for a professor in Media and Communication Studies. The employment is permanent and full time, starting upon agreement.

Description and work responsibilities

The tasks include leading and developing research and third-cycle level studies. The tasks also include teaching, supervision, seminar management, collaboration and administrative work, as well as disseminating research nationally and internationally through publications and by developing and strengthening contacts with international research networks. The selected candidate is also expected to initiate research and apply for external research funding, preferably with several people involved, as well as contribute to the development of the subject and department. The position includes 20 % grant funded research and, for a period of two years, 30 % skill development.

Qualification requirements for the position

A person who has demonstrated both research and educational expertise in Media and Communication or Strategic Communication is to qualify for appointment as a Professor in Media and Communication Studies (Chapter 4, § 3 of the Higher Education Ordinance).

Good language skills in Swedish (or another Scandinavian language) and English, as well as the ability to teach in these languages constitute a requirement for the employment.

Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria for the selection are: research and educational expertise in Media and Communication studies or Strategic Communication, administrative skills, experience in development work and management skills as well as good collaboration skills. The applicant must also have the skills and suitability in general required to perform the tasks well.

Research expertise refers to independent research work, the ability to plan and lead research and the ability to impart information about research to the surrounding society. The assessment criteria include:

the breadth and depth of the research – its quality and scope the originality of the research productivity contributions to the international research community assignments within the research community the ability to competitively obtain external research funding collaboration with the surrounding society

The ability to communicate and collaborate with the surrounding society is assessed by, e.g., taking into account relevant international contacts, external collaboration projects, education and outreach work, participation in contract education, as well as experience in other external activities.

Educational expertise refers to documented experience of planning, implementation, examination and evaluation of teaching, as well as a reflective approach to students’ learning and the role of the teacher. The assessment criteria include:

the ability to plan, implement and evaluate teaching, as well as the ability to supervise and examine students at all levels of education the ability to vary teaching methods and examination formats in relation to expected study outcomes and the nature of the subject experience of collaboration with the surrounding society in planning and implementation of education participation in the development of learning environments, teaching aids and study resources a reflective approach to students’ learning and the role of the teacher

This expertise can be obtained through higher education teacher training, other training relevant to teaching within higher education and/or documented, proven experience of teaching in higher education.

Weighing the evaluation criteria against each other
The content of the position and the requirements of the activity justify the following weighing of the assessment criteria:

Particular importance shall be given to the research and educational expertise. In weighing these two criteria, greater importance shall be given to the research expertise.

In assessing the research expertise, particular importance shall be given to the research ability in the field of media and communication or strategic communication studies.

In assessing the research expertise, great importance shall be given to the ability to initiate, develop and lead research in the field of media and communication or strategic communication studies. Great importance shall also be given to the applicant’s ability to competitively obtain external research funding.

Importance shall be given to the ability to impart information about research within the research community and with the surrounding society.

In the assessment of the educational expertise particular importance shall be given to the breadth of skills in the subject, the breadth of educational activities, and the ability to successfully supervise studies at the third-cycle level. Great importance shall also be given to the applicant’s ability to develop the research basis of first and second cycle courses.

Moreover, great importance shall be given to the assessment of experience in development work and management skills. Importance shall also be given to other abilities which are of importance to the development of the subject area, including administrative experience and ability. In addition, importance shall be given to the assessment of good collaboration skills. The qualification and assessment criteria are available at:


The application must be submitted no later than 2021-04-22 via the e-recruitment system Varbi. All documents must be submitted in electronic form. Information regarding which documents must be submitted with the application can be found at:

Other information

The starting date of the employment is upon agreement. The place of work is Umeå and a high level of attendance at the department is a requirement.

Further information about the employment is provided by Head of Department Kerstin Engström, 090-786 61 12 or

We look forward to receiving your application!