Divisions and Temporary Working Groups

NordMedia Divisions

1: Audience Studies

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2: Environment, Science and Risk Communication

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4: Media and Communication History

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5: Media, Globalization and Social Change

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6: Media Industries

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7: Media Education and Literacies

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8: Organization, Communication and Promotion

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9: Political Communication

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10: Television and Film Studies

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11: Theory, Philosophy and Ethics of Communication

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12: Game Studies

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13: Media, Communication and Health

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14: Visual Communication and Culture

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Temporary Working Groups (TWGs)

TWG1: Sensory and Immersive Media

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TWG2: Media and Linguistic Minorities

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TWG3: Digital Technologies, Materiality, and the Environment

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About Divisions and TWGs

NordMedia has a certian number of divisions and temporary working groups (TWGs) at every conference. A TWG can become a division when it has been running for a few conferences and is well-functioning. Both divisions and TWGs can be closed if they are not functional and/or by members’ consensus. A year before a scheduled conference, a call will go out for new TWG proposals. The organizing committee decides which divisions and TWGs to include in future conference programs.

All sessions/TWGs have one chair and one or two co-chairs. At least one of these chairs will be a senior scholar. The chairing period normally lasts for three conferences (six years). The nomination process for new chairs/co-chairs will be conducted by someone in the division/TWG who is not chair/co-chair. The election will be scheduled beforehand and held after the working sessions are finished at the end of the conference when the chair/vice-/co-chair resigns.

Golden rules for sessions

  • All authors should be requested to upload their papers by a deadline, to allow session participants the opportunity to read papers beforehand, thus fostering more informed discussions.
  • All papers should have a designated discussant, who will read the paper carefully before the conference.
  • It is possible to have parallel sessions in the divisions to achieve the time goal for each paper.
  • One of the most important tasks of a chair is keeping time. Please take this task seriously!
  • Every paper should be given 30 minutes: 10-15 minutes for presentation, and subsequently, time for comments and discussion.
  • All groups are requested to have an internal business-meeting with an oral evaluation. This internal business meeting shall be scheduled to take place before the general conference business meetings, where only chairs/vice-chairs are represented.

Golden rules for authors

  • Please make sure to follow the guidelines provided for the abstract submission, as this is important for the review process, scheduling, and documentation. The exact wording of the abstract guidelines might change between conferences.
  • It is possible to submit either a full paper or an extended abstract for a paper-session or a panel with several presentations. It is also possible to submit abstracts for workshops.
  • Please do not change the title of your paper after the abstract has been submitted. If necessary, explain in your designated session how and why the paper has changed direction.
  • To receive fruitful comments, we recommend that all authors provide a short introduction to the paper, suggesting issues for discussion and how developed the paper is, e.g. is the paper an outline for a project or a nearly complete article ready for a journal submission?

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