Division 4: Media and Communication History

About the division

What kind of role have media and communication played in the past? That is the theme for this division. We welcome you to an interesting arena to discuss all aspects of this: historical studies of press, film, radio, television, internet, cell phones etc. or institutional histories, biographies, historical analysis of media texts and genres, reception history etc. How we can develop our understanding of the media’s importance in the past by using historical records and documents, is of special relevance in this division. We also welcome papers that challenge and critique the whole concept of “media and communication history” itself, as well as papers on historical methodology, historiography and the theories used in the field of media history.

This division accepts full papers, long abstracts, panel presentations and workshops. Discussants will be appointed to papers and long abstracts. Still, the division also assumes that all participants will read each other’s papers in order for the discussion to be more informed. 

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