About the division
In the division of political communication, we focus our interest in the political use of media and communication, and the dynamics between media, communication and democracy. Specifically, research within the division focuses on mediated protest and civic engagement, media and social movements, protest spaces and popular culture, populism, extremism and media, political discussion, visualizing politics, the hybridization of media and politics, the Nordic media system, the status and globalization of national public spheres, professionalized campaigning, political rhetoric, political marketing, social media campaigning, etc.
Researchers within the division come from both the humanities and political and social science departments, thus giving the group a broad and fruitful theoretical point of departure. While we are particularly interested in Nordic conditions, we welcome international scholars to submit their work in these areas.
This division accepts full papers, long abstracts, panel presentations and workshops. Discussants will be appointed to papers and long abstracts. Still, the division also assumes that all participants will read each other’s papers in order for the discussion to be more informed.