Division: Media, Communication and Health

About the division

The Media, communication, and health divison draws together researchers from media and communication studies, journalism, sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, psychology, and medicine. Hence the research on media, communication, and health is diverse in terms of theoretical perspectives, methods, and approaches. The divison asks how technological takeover is affecting and changing, culturally constructed perceptions of and communication on health and illness, life and death, patient- and doctor roles, every day health practices and experiences, as well as the healthcare system.

This division encourages critical theoretical and empirical research on a broad range of media and health-related topics. We invite scholars from the Nordic countries and beyond, to participate in academic discussions deriving from all corners of the field of media, communication and health: From the production, and the representation (presence) of bodies marked as (un)healthy in the news media, and in popular culture, to audience engagement with digital media and participatory cultures on health and illness.

We accept full papers, long abstracts, panel presentations and workshops. Discussants will be appointed to papers and long abstracts.

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