Past conferences

Data Power 2019

The conference focuses on critical questions about data’s power, reflecting on the social and cultural consequences of data becoming increasingly...

ECREA Communication History Section Workshop 2019

For this workshop, the ECREA Communication History Section invites scholarly presentations to shed light on political communication that fosters populist...

Understanding Transition Conferences

This international conference is an opportunity for experienced researchers, young researchers and PhD students to share their scientific work in...

Radical Immersions: Navigating between virtual/physical environments and information bubbles (DRHA2019)

A series of annual conferences whose goal is to bring together the creators, users, distributors, and custodians of digital research...

The Literary Image and The Screen

This conference aims to explore the connections and relationships between literature and the screen, from the pre-cinematic age to the...

Visual Cultures & Communication: Images and Practices on the Move

This conference, discusses the roles of images for visual analysis by focusing on images on the move. This entails work...

The 11th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society

National and international Researchers from all areas of media psychology as well as associated disciplines are invited. We welcome contributions...

Computational Text Analysis and Historical Change

The starting point of this interdisciplinary event is as follows: Considering the possibility to process large amounts of text data...

CMCS 8th International Conference Bridging Gaps: Re-Fashioning Stories for Celebrity Counterpublics

The format of the conference aims at being open and inclusive of interdisciplinary academic scholars and practitioners involved in all...

The 9th Nordic Conference on Cultural Policy Research (NCCPR) 2019

The theme of the conference is cultural peripheries and it focuses on questions concerning marginal culture, definitional boundaries of cultural...

SACOMM 2019: Inside | Outside

This year’s theme looks at the positions of media producers and users as being inside or outside media systems; from...

International Conference on Health Communication

“Communication breakdown? Food and health in an age of abundance”. Konferensen riktas till ett brett spektrum av forskare och professionellt...

MISNC2019 The 6th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference

The 6th Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference.The conference brings together researchers and developers from industry and academia to discuss and...

NordMedia 2019 Communication, Creativity & Imagination

In an increasingly interconnected and accelerated world, our academic field offers significant opportunities to grapple with shifting and often contentious...

Opening Conference Nordic Media Systems Research Network

The objective of the Nordic Media Systems Research Network is to develop a world-leading research environment with a two-folded aim;...

Emotions, Populism and Polarised Politics, Media and Culture Conference August 2019

The conference seeks to address different issues from both theoretical and empirical perspectives, especially those exploring the intersection of different...

Nordmedia 2019/PhD Student Preconference

The NordMedia organizing committee, FSMK (The Swedish Association for Media and Communication Research) and NORDICOM cordially invite PhD students to...

2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Communication in Professional Contexts

The DARK SIDE OF COMMUNICATION We have seen an upsurge in research into organizational communication, PR communication, corporate communication, branding...

Media Sociology Preconference 2019

Media sociology has long been a highly diverse field spanning many topics, methodologies, and units of analysis. It encompasses all...

The ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2019

The main emphasis of this summer school is not on a particular theme, but on providing structural and individuated PhD-support...