Anna Schjøtt Hansen, M.Sc.

Department of Communication and Arts · Roskilde University, Denmark — Research Assistant

Research Areas

  • Communications Theory
  • Journalism
  • Media Audiences
  • Media Production and Innovation
  • Media, Information and Communication Technology

Ongoing Projects


I am a recent graduate of the Master’s in Techno-Anthropology at Aalborg University in Denmark and I now work full time as a research assistant on the project ‘DataPublics’ at Roskilde University who I wrote my master thesis in collaboration with. My thesis and the work in the project centres on the datafication and platformisation of journalism and my research interest are predominately linked to the role of algorithms in the distribution of information in society and how they partake in shaping the formation of publics. Theoretically, I am highly inspired by STS and particularly ANT in my approach.