I am a storyteller, my medium includes film, public radio, public television. With David Lindblom and Daniel Velario, we produced of the hour documentary, "Land Water People Time" -a collection of stories about people and their relationship to places across 10 thousdand square miles of Northern New Mexico -awarded best documentary by NM Film office and best of show at Highlands University film festival in 2012. A member of "Voces Feministas," a women of color radio collective, I went on to co-produce a monthly program, "Colors of Justice" a venue to discuss social and environmental issues across New Mexico. I gather stories in a place where history was eliminated from our education and edited by the victors. I reclaim native histories to enrich and empower all. I am currently in transition as a supervisor of Psychosocial Rehabilitation day education program to work in my retirement as a community based educator through critical deconstruction of media and the creation of alternative messaging and content as the core approach to intergenerational media literacy. My interests are global to local, encouraging dynamic internatonal relations and dialogues through media and technologies.