Helena Sandberg, Professor

Department of Communication and Media · Lund University, Sweden — Professor

Research Areas

  • Media Audiences
  • Media, Information and Communication Technology

Ongoing Projects

DigiKids Sweden

Highlighted publications


I am a Professor in Media and Communication Studies, trained in the social sciences and in the humanities. My work is oriented towards interdisciplinarity and multi-methodological approaches, I am full professor at Lund University, and affiliated professor at Halmstad University, School of Health and Welfare. I have expertise in digital media technologies and practices, children and everyday life, media and health (digital health technologies). I am Co-chair of the TWG3 Media Communication and Health within the NordMedia-conference. I am also a coordinator and one of the initiators of the Nordic Network on Media Communication and Health (NNMCH@kom.lu.se), and Associate editor for the European Journal of Health Communication. I am a member of the Swedish team within the EU-Kids online network and a member of the DigiLitEy COST action network. I have extensive experience in project management, and academic leadership from boards, committees, assessment work, advisory groups, and special assignments. I am chairing an interdisciplinary reviewer panel for Grand projects for the Foundation for the Baltic and Eastern European Studies https://ostersjostiftelsen.se/en/, and I am a certified Excellent Teaching Practioner.