Magnus Fredriksson, Adjunct Professor

Nordicom · University of Gothenburg, Sweden — Editor

Department of Journalism, Media and Communication · University of Gothenburg, Sweden — Professor

Research Areas

  • Communications Theory
  • Organizational Communication
  • Political Communication
  • Public Relations
  • Strategic Communication

Highlighted publications

Fredriksson, M., Ivarsson, S., & Pallas, J. (2021). Ideas of public relations in the light of Scandinavian institutionalism. In C. Valentini (Ed.)

Fredriksson, M., & Edwards, L. (2019). Communicating Under the Regimes of Divergent Ideas: How Public Agencies in Sweden Manage Tensions Between Transparency and Consistency. Management Communication Quarterly 33(4), 548–580. doi:10.1177/0893318919859478

Pallas, J., Fredriksson, M., & Wedlin, L. (2016). Translating Institutional Logics: When the Media Logic Meets Professions. Organization Studies, 37(11), 1661-1684. doi:10.1177/0170840616655485


I work as editor at Nordicom. My research focuses on organizational communication and the importance of professional, organizational and societal norms, values and ideas for governance, organizing and management. Primarily in public sector contexts