Niklas Alexander Chimirri, Associate Professor

Department of People and Technology · Roskilde University, Denmark — Associate Professor

Research Areas

  • Communications Theory
  • Media and Information Literacy
  • Media Audiences


I am employed as Associate Professor in Social Psychology of Everyday life at the Department of People & Technology, Roskilde University (Denmark). My research mainly seeks to contribute to the sociomaterial psychological study of the human-technology-relationship from within everyday life. To that end I draw inspiration from many other fields of research and their relational theorizing, by connecting my participatory take on dialectical developmental psychologies to audience research, critical childhood studies, feminist technoscience, and multimodal ethnographical design studies.

My main research interest has been revolving around the question of why people develop so strongly differing and ambiguous views of what is happening in the world. In particular, I got interested in the role of increasingly customized mass media as a potential catalyst. Since my PhD project (2010-2014), I have especially focused on what it means for the relations between children, parents, professional educators, and the people around them, to be developing their agency in societies whose communication is heavily digitalized and mediatized. This also includes studying the possibilities and limitations of situating psychological research in praxis, and thus of engaging as a humanistic and social science researcher from within the everyday life of those I do research together with.