Zaki Habibi, Ph.D.

Department of Communications · Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Indonesia — Assistant Professor

Department of Communication and Media · Lund University, Sweden — Researcher

Research Areas

  • Media Theory
  • Popular Culture
  • Visual Communication

Highlighted publications


Zaki Habibi is a media studies and visual culture researcher with a main interest in the interrelation between everyday life and cultural practice in cities. His research address media practice, media and memory studies, documentary photography and film, urban media and communication, and creativity in everyday life. He holds a PhD in Media and Communication Studies from Lund University, where he also works as a lecturer. His doctoral dissertation, entitled "Creative voices of the city: Articulating media, space and cultural identities by creative collectives in Southeast Asia", investigates the lived cultures of the individuals within creative collectives in Southeast Asian creative cities. Using a combination of ethnography and visual methodology, the research highlights how the collectives form alternative spaces to live and work, developing an organic and dynamic interplay between the physical, social and digitally mediated spaces of creative cities.