
Showing 39 funders

This section collects funders of media and communication research in the Nordic countries, including the national funding bodies, funds, foundations and associations.

Academy of Finland

The Academy of Finland (Finnish: Suomen Akatemia, Swedish: Finlands Akademi) is a governmental funding body for scientific research in Finland.

Anne-Marie och Gustaf Anders Stiftelse för mediaforskning

Stiftelsen syftar till att främja vetenskaplig utbildning och forskning inom mediefältet. Stiftelsen ger bidrag till individer, forskningsgrupper och institutioner.

Business Finland

Stiftelsen syftar till att främja vetenskaplig utbildning och forskning inom mediefältet. Stiftelsen ger bidrag till individer, forskningsgrupper och institutioner.

C.V. Akerlund Media Foundation

C. V. Akerlund Foundation actively supports the development of expertise and education in the field of media.

Carl-Olof och Jenz Hamrins stiftelse

Hamrin-stiftelsens ändamål är att främja vetenskaplig forskning genom att ge anslag till enskilda personer, forskningsgrupper, institutioner eller liknande.

Carlsberg Foundation

The Carlsberg Foundation supports visionary and innovative international basic research within the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.

Danish National Research Foundation

The Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) funds outstanding basic research of the highest international level at the frontiers of all research fields to strengthen the development of Danish research.

Emil Aaltonen Foundation

The Emil Aaltonen Foundation, founded by the industrialist and philanthropist Emil Aaltonen supports academic research by providing grants.

Erik Philip-Sörensens stiftelse

The Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation supports humanistic studies and genetic research. Only applications from Swedish universities are acknowledged.

Finnish Cultural Foundation

The Finnish Cultural Foundation is a private foundation dedicated to promoting art, science, and other fields of intellectual and cultural endeavor in Finland.

Formas: A Research Council for Sustainable Development

Formas is a research council supporting projects in sustainable development.

Forte: Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare

Forte is a research council funding research on health, working life and welfare.

Fritt Ord

The Fritt Ord Foundation is a private non-profit foundation that seeks to promote freedom of expression, public debate, art and culture.

Helsingin Sanomat Foundation

The Helsingin Sanomat Foundation is a private, non-profit organization. Its purpose is to promote and support high-level research and the implementation of freedom of speech.

Icelandic Research Fund

The Icelandic Research Fund (IRF) is an open competitive fund which provides research grants according to the general priorities of the Icelandic Science and Technology Policy Council.

Independent Research Fund Denmark

Independent Research Fund Denmark funds specific research activities within all scientific areas that are based on the researchers' own initiatives and that improve the quality and internationalisation of Danish research.

Innovation Fund Denmark

Innovation Fund Denmark was created to strengthen and foster strategic research and innovation projects in all of Denmark.

Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation

The Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation is a Finnish non-profit organization that supports hundreds of projects in the areas of research, art and societal activities..

Journalistisen kulttuurin edistämissäätiö JOKES

Journalistisen kulttuurin edistämissäätiö eli JOKES myöntää apurahoja moniin tarkoituksiin.

Knowledge Foundation – KK-stiftelsen

The Knowledge Foundation funds research and competence development at Sweden’s university colleges and new universities.