Academy of Finland
The Academy of Finland (Finnish: Suomen Akatemia, Swedish: Finlands Akademi) is a governmental funding body for scientific research in Finland.
Business Finland
Stiftelsen syftar till att främja vetenskaplig utbildning och forskning inom mediefältet. Stiftelsen ger bidrag till individer, forskningsgrupper och institutioner.
C.V. Akerlund Media Foundation
C. V. Akerlund Foundation actively supports the development of expertise and education in the field of media.
Emil Aaltonen Foundation
The Emil Aaltonen Foundation, founded by the industrialist and philanthropist Emil Aaltonen supports academic research by providing grants.
Finnish Cultural Foundation
The Finnish Cultural Foundation is a private foundation dedicated to promoting art, science, and other fields of intellectual and cultural endeavor in Finland.
Helsingin Sanomat Foundation
The Helsingin Sanomat Foundation is a private, non-profit organization. Its purpose is to promote and support high-level research and the implementation of freedom of speech.
Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation
The Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation is a Finnish non-profit organization that supports hundreds of projects in the areas of research, art and societal activities..
Journalistisen kulttuurin edistämissäätiö JOKES
Journalistisen kulttuurin edistämissäätiö eli JOKES myöntää apurahoja moniin tarkoituksiin.
Kone Foundation
Kone Foundation is an independent and unaffiliated organisation, which awards grants to promote academic research, culture and art.
Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland
The objective of the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation is to promote cultural links between Sweden and Finland.
Media-alan tutkimussäätiö
The Media Industry Research Foundation of Finland “contributes to the competitiveness of printed, electronic and content-based digital media”.
The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS).
Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland
The mission of the foundation is to support and strengthen the culture and education of the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland, by supporting education, arts and culture and social cohesion through non-profit organisations.