Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier

Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier (Cultural Studies) is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal focusing on culture in Finland, based on a cultural studies perspective. The journal publishes articles in Finnish and Swedish, with abstracts in English.

Aims and scope: “Kulttuurintutkimus is an interdisciplinary journal that deals with and presents research on culture. Topics include the change and meanings of culture, as well as cultural differences. Cultural phenomena and related research is being examined with interdisciplinary approaches, for example, through globalization, otherness, gender or new technology.”

Frequency: 4 issues per year

Launched: 1984

Peer reviewed: yes, double-blind review

Open access: yes

Languages: Finnish, Swedish

Genres: research article, debate article, interview, book review, report

Length of research articles: 35,000–50,000 characters with spaces (excluding references)

Reference style: MLA style

Book reviews: yes

Publishers: Kulttuurintutkimuksen seura (the Society of Cultural Studies in Finland)

Venue of publication: Joensuu

Publication level: 2 in Finland

Indexing: N/A

Author Guidelines

  • Submission guidelines in Finnish: https://journal.fi/kulttuurintutkimus/ohjeet

  • Submission guidelines in Swedish: https://journal.fi/kulttuurintutkimus/instruktioner