The Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy is a peer-reviewed journal on research dedicated to the critical analysis of digital literacy and the use of ICT in educational context. The journal publishes articles in English.
Aims and scope: “The journal is aimed at researchers, school authorities, school leaders in primary and secondary schools, teachers in primary and secondary education, at colleges and universities, and others concerned with education and ICT. Through dissemination of national and international research, the journal contributes to the debate on education policy. The journal aims at creating a platform for the critical analysis of digital literacy and competence, and the use of ICT in educational context. Moreover, the aim is to stimulate dialogue between different participants in the field. Upon reception, the editor evaluates all submissions. Papers can among others be targeted on the following themes: ICT use and innovation in education; theoretical, methodological and practical challenges around the use of ICT in education; ICT in subjects (didactic context); evaluation and development; learners’ work and learners’ ICT skills; teachers, teacher education and classroom management; lifelong learning.”
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Launched: 2006
Peer reviewed: yes, double-blind review
Open access: yes
Languages: English
Genres: research article, book review
Length of research articles: max. 40,000 characters including spaces (including paragraph marks and references)
Reference style: APA style
Book reviews: yes
Publisher: Universitetsforlaget (The Scandinavian University Press) in collaboration with the University of Bergen
Venue of publication: Oslo
Publication level: 1 in Norway, 1 in Denmark, 1 in Finland
Indexing: Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), ERIH PLUS, SHERPA/RoMEO, Google Scholar, Primo Central Index (Ex Libris) / Oria, The Summon Service (ProQuest), Ebsco Discovery Services, WorldCat Lokal (OCLC)