Nordic Journal of Media Studies (NJMS)

Nordic Journal of Media Studies (NJMS) is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to media research. The journal is a meeting place for Nordic, European, and global perspectives on media studies. The journal publishes articles in English.

Aims and scope: “The journal is open for theoretical contributions and empirical research, and combinations thereof. The editors stress the importance of innovative and interdisciplinary research, and welcome contributions on both contemporary developments and historical topics. The editors also welcome critical approaches to media studies addressing questions of power, inequality, participation, and voice. Nordic Journal of Media Studies focuses on the interplay between media and their cultural and social contexts. We are interested in the media as industries and institutions of modern society, but also in how they are woven into the fabric of everyday life as mobile and interactive technologies. The emergence of new social networks, changes in political communication, intensified datafication and surveillance of human interaction, and new dynamics between media, popular culture, and commercial markets are important aspects of the changing relationship between media, culture, and society.” 

Frequency: 1 issue per year

Launched: 2019 (formerly: Northern Lights: Film and Media Studies Yearbook, 2002–2018)

Peer reviewed: yes, double-blind review

Open access: yes

Languages: English

Genres: research article

Length of research articles: 7,000 words (including notes and references)

Reference style: APA style

Book reviews: no

Publisher: Nordicom, with support from the Nordic Council of Ministers, Sweden 

Venue of publication: Gothenburg

Publication level: 1 in Finland, 1 in Norway

Indexing: Google Scholar, WorldCat, EBSCO Discovery Service, and more.