Norsk medietidsskrift

Norsk medietidsskrift (Norwegian media journal) is a peer-reviewed journal in media studies with interdisciplinary breadth. It publishes articles mainly in Norwegian, but also selected works in Swedish, Danish, and English.

Aims and scope: “The journal publishes theoretical articles with little empirical material, and empirical articles with little theory, as well as debate articles, interviews, reviews of doctoral theses, and book reviews. Media studies is seen as interdisciplinary, from the humanities to social sciences and from film analysis to journalism studies.

Frequency: 4 issues per year

Launched: 1994

Peer reviewed: yes, double-blind review

Open access: yes

Languages: Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, English

Genres: research article, debate article, interview, doctoral thesis review, book review

Length of research articles: 6,000–8,000 words

Reference style: APA style

Book reviews: yes

Publisher: the journal is owned by Norsk medieforskerlag and published by Universitetsforlaget with funding from the Research Council of Norway and Rådet for anvendt medieforskning

Venue of publication: Oslo

Publication level: 1 in Norway, 1 in Denmark

Indexing: CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), SHERPA/RoMEO, Norart, ERIH PLUS. Google Scholar, Primo Central Index (Ex Libris) / Oria, The Summon Service (ProQuest), Ebsco Discovery Services, WorldCat Lokal (OCLC)

Author Guidelines

  • Submission guidelines (in Norwegian):