POPULÄR – Nordic Journal of Popular Culture Research is a peer-reviewed open-acess-online journal that aims to publish academic articles on Nordic popular culture. Articles are written in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English.
Aims and scope: “POPULÄR – Nordic Journal of Popular Culture Research is an open-acess-online journal that aims to publish academic articles on, among other things, Nordic popular culture: fan culture, comic books, popular novels, popular films, television, radio, popular journalism, print media, the internet, popular art and architecture, popular religious movements, advertising, popular music and video games. POPULÄR strives for full open access and articles are published in a rolling system. This means that the magazine publishes articles (online) as they come in to the editors.”
Frequency: no issues (rolling system)
Launched: 2019
Peer reviewed: yes, double-blind review
Open access: yes
Languages: Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, English
Genres: research article, book review
Length of research articles: 6000–9000 words
Reference style: Chicago style 16th
Book reviews: yes
Publisher: University of Lund
Venue of publication: Lund
Publication level: N/A
Indexing: N/A