Viden om Literacy

Viden om Literacy is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on research, development and practice about pedagogy, reading and literacy. Articles are written in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English.

Aims and scope: “Viden om Literacy conveys knowledge about literacy in didactic and pedagogical contexts and is aimed at teachers, educators, teacher and pedagogy students, reading tutors and researchers with an interest in the development of literacy. The journal thus disseminates both scientific studies, development work and concrete practice experiences within the field.”

Frequency: Twice pr year

Launched: 2007

Peer reviewed: Yes

Open access: Yes

Languages: Danish, English, Norwegian, Swedish

Genres: scientific research, development work and concrete practice experiences in the field.

Length of research articles: 7 pages à 2400 characters

Reference style: Check journal for details

Book reviews: N/A

Publisher: Nationalt Videncenter for Læsning

Venue of publication: Copenhagen

Publication level: 1 in Norway

Indexing: N/A