
WiderScreen is a Finnish peer-reviewed journal addressing multimedial, digital, and audiovisual media culture. It publishes articles in Finnish and English.

Aims and scope: “WiderScreen deals with multimedial, digital, and audiovisual media culture. It publishes peer-reviewed articles, interviews, columns, and reports by academic researchers on both the international and Finnish media scene. The issues often have a special theme, such as the film industry in a particular country. The journal is published online, which is the most convenient way to reach Finnish audience interested in the film and media industry.” 

Frequency: 2–3 issues per year

Launched: 1998

Peer reviewed: yes, double-blind review

Open access: yes

Languages: Finnish, English

Genres: original research article, review article, book review, interview, essay, column, report

Length of research articles: 4,000–7,000 words

Reference style: Chicago style

Book reviews: yes

Publisher: Filmiverkko ry, Finland (a non-profit association promoting film-related online publications, funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education)

Venue of publication: Turku

Publication level: 1 in Finland

Indexing: N/A

Author Guidelines

  • Submission guidelines (in Finnish): http://widerscreen.fi/instructions
  • Guidelines for referees (in Finnish): http://widerscreen.fi/assets/Ohjeita-refereelle1.doc