PANCOPOP Symposium 2023
This symposium, linked to an ongoing transnational research project (PANCOPOP), is designed to bring together scholars interested in the dynamics of health crisis communication and pandemic politics, with a particular focus on the impact of populist leaders and attitudes on the nature, dynamics and effectiveness of public communication processes.
DSA Conference 2023
The theme of the conference is Crisis in the Anthropocene: Rethinking connection and agency for development.
20th anniversary conference 'Media Futures'
The 20th anniversary conference, aim to address both the critiques of the present and to consider and imagine alternative pathways.
At the crossroads of modernity: Newspapers as miscellany from the 1880s
This symposium encourages contributions to this exploration of newspapers across a long twentieth century as a meeting point and melting pot of inter-media influences, extending the potential of newspapers as a conduit to new approaches to the study of popular culture and history.
What’s Happening to Cultural Studies ?
‘What’s Happening to Cultural Studies?’ is a three-day workshop designed to provide a focus for conversations about the shift in the role and capacities of cultural studies as an academic discipline in the twenty-first century.
The BBC at 100 Symposium
Free registration is now open for The BBC at 100 Symposium, which will be held at the National Science and...
8th annual conference of The International Journal of Press/Politics
On 22-23 September 2022, the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture at Loughborough University will host the 8th annual conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics, focused on academic research on the relationship between media and political processes around the world.
Society of Animation Studies Annual Conference
This year's theme 'Animation unlocked' will celebrate all aspects of the animated!
4th International Data Power Conference
Online and in person in three locations: the University of Sheffield, Carleton University and the University of Bremen
The 10th European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2022)
ECAH2022 will be held alongside The 9th European Conference on Media, Communication & Film (EuroMedia2022). Registration for either conference will allow delegates to attend sessions in the other.
The 9th European Conference on Media, Communication & Film (EuroMedia2022)
EuroMedia2022 will be held alongside The 10th European Conference on Arts & Humanities (ECAH2022).
Future of Journalism Conference 2021
The theme for 2021 will be "Overcoming obstacles in journalism."
Trump, Television and the Media: From Drama to “Fake News” to Tweetstorms
Trump, Television and the Media: Two-Day Virtual Conference
Urban Assemblage: The City as Architecture, Media, AI and Big Data
This conference is planned as a hybrid in-person and virtual event. The keynote will be held in London. In-person presentations will take place in the University of Hertfordshire campus in Hatfield on the outskirts of London.
(CANCELLED)The Outlander Conference Glasgow 2020 i
The Outlander Conference Glasgow 2020 is an international interdisciplinary conference that will study and celebrate the cultural impact and legacy...
A&SM#5 International Conference and Sensorium Art Show
The call for the 5th international, interdisciplinary Affect and Social Media conference and Sensorium Art Show asks established academics, postgraduate writers, artists and...
CONNECTIONS: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media
This conferences asks educators and professionals to consider the following. How can we best manage, direct and utilize the unique...
The sixth conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics
A selection of the best full papers presented at the conference will be published in the journal after peer review....
(POSTPONED)Queer Representation: Pasts, Presents, Futures
This conference aims to examine how LGBTQ representation has changed through time, continues to evolve in the present, and what...
MeCCSA Postgraduate Network 2020 Conference
The MeCCSA Postgraduate Network is pleased to invite postgraduate researchers to attend our upcoming annual conference at the University of...