Organisers: Annette Hill (MKV, Jönköping University) and Hario Priambodho (MKV, Lund University)
Venue: Grand Hotel & Gamla Rådhuset, Jönköping
Dates: 2-3 May 2025
Media atmospheres are under pressure. There are scientific and metaphorical meanings of atmospheres as related to both climate and infrastructures and emotions and experiences. From the political economic forces applied to media industries, the representation of different climates in film and media, to the feeling of atmospheres surrounding political and cultural engagement, it is timely to question the generation of atmospheres by media technologies and institutions, texts and artefacts, and citizens and audiences.
How can we forge links between established and new theories and methods for media and the environment? We use the concept of ‘media atmospheres’ to promote engagement on this crucial set of topics. For example, media devices, infrastructures and systems impact on atmospheres, including the forces applied to the financing, regulation, production and distribution of media in society and the detrimental impact of media on the climate and environment. How various media create atmospheres is also of significance, from the mood of certain genres in film, TV, podcasts and streaming media, to the political and emotional climate of social media, campaigns and activism.
This multidisciplinary symposium addresses the role of media in generating various atmospheres, both positive and negative, material and symbolic. We invite international researchers to critically examine the theme of media atmospheres through empirical and theoretical research across media and communications, critical infrastructures and technologies, climate and the environment, culture and society.
The symposium addresses a range of areas, including:
- Phenomenology of atmospheres and media, communication and cultural studies;
- Atmospheres and critical infrastructures studies, critical data studies and science and technology studies;
- Atmospheres in audience studies, fan studies, and film and reception studies;
- Atmospheres and eco media studies, environmental communication and sustainable society;
- Creating atmospheres in arts, film, radio, television, social media and web series;
- Atmospheres and organisations, work, and labour relations;
- Political atmospheres in news, documentary, information, disinformation and
polarization, and campaigns;
- Atmospheres in live events, social media, drama, film, radio, podcasting and television studies;
- Atmospheres in mobility, transnational communication and transportation of goods and services, humans and non humans.
International invited speakers include Julia Brockley (Intellect Press), Simon Dawes (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France), Natalie Foster (Routledge), Christine Geraghty (Glasgow University, UK), Joke Hermes (InHolland University, Netherlands), Annette Hill (Jönköping University, Sweden), Peter Lunt (Leicester University, UK), and Dylan Mulvin (LSE, UK), Hario Priambodho (Lund University, Sweden).
Please submit an abstract of 300 words in English by extended deadlineJanuary 27 2025 to Hario Priambodho ( For further information please consult our website
There is a registration fee of 2800 SEK. The fee covers lunches, beverages and snacks over two days, and a grand three course meal at the end of symposium at Grand Hotel.