We are glad to announce 9 PhD positions in a *new European Joint Doctorate (DN-JD) network*: DEaling with conflicts related to MIgration: NEgotiating social cohesion through communication <https://demine.eu> (DEMINE).
Coordinated by the University of Leuven (Belgium), in collaboration with the Universities of Aarhus (Denmark) and Padova (Italy), this project aims to enhance Europe’s capacity to address a significant challenge: the rise of various forms of radicalisation and extremism that pose a threat to social cohesion. DEMINE has crafted a comprehensive research
and training programme to examine the complex relationships between various forms of communication, including traditional media, social media, and interpersonal interactions.
Open positions are described HERE <https://demine.eu/open-positions/>.
*Deadline for submission of your application is October 15, 2024*. Late applications will not be considered. Job interviews with shortlisted candidates will be organised in November-December.