Pre-Conference for Doctoral Students 2025

The NordMedia pre-conference is a one-day academic seminar for doctoral students in media and communication studies in the Nordic countries. The NordMedia25 pre-conference will be held in Odense, Denmark, one day before the NordMedia25 main conference.

The pre-conference is usually an emerging scholar’s first step to international collaboration. The seminar will offer doctoral students affiliated with Nordic universities a possibility to receive feedback from senior scholars in a collegial atmosphere. The workshop is also a forum for doctoral students to network with other Nordic scholars and scholars-to-be, and to strengthen their Nordic academic identity.

Date: 12 August 2025

Time: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Dinner: 6–9 p.m.

Venue: University of Southern Denmark (SDU)

Participants will be selected on the basis of an abstract that will be submitted by February 28, 2025. The number of participants in the pre-conference is limited to 25 persons. The selected participants will be notified of acceptance by April 16 and asked to submit a full academic paper to be presented and discussed at the pre-conference. The paper can be an article manuscript or a chapter to be included in the doctoral thesis. Each author will deliver an oral presentation in English at the pre-conference. We will invite distinguished Nordic scholars to comment and give feedback on the participants’ papers.

Additionally, one part of the workshop will be dedicated to the exchange of experiences and career advice. After the pre-conference, participants have the possibility to continue following the NordMedia25 main conference in Odense.

We will employ a number of different working methods in the workshop, including lectures, poster presentations and small-group discussions. Our aim is that after the pre-conference the participants will have feel encouraged and inspired to continue their doctoral studies.

Attendance at the pre-conference is free; however, participants are responsible for covering their own travel and accommodation costs. Usually, doctoral students receive a travel grant from their department or doctoral study program. The number of participants is limited to 25. Participants may attend the main conference presentations without paying the conference fee unless they are also presenting at the main conference. Abstract submissions for the pre-conference should be sent to Please note that if a PhD student also wishes to present at the main conference, they must submit an abstract via the main conference’s submission system, register for the conference, and pay the conference fee separately.