Past conferences

Transnational Activisms: Reimagining Boundaries in Political Cultural Production Conference

This conference will explore how the potentials and limitations of transnationalism are addressed in activist cultural production.

News Use Conference

*Online This event marks the launch of the Leverhulme Trust funded parents’ news use project – which runs from the fall of...

Emerging Directions in News Use Research: Project Launch Event & Open Conference

The Leverhulme News Use project aims to examine how parents engage with and respond to news at critical moments of crisis

Leverhulme Project Launch Event & Open Conference

Emerging Directions in News Research - Open Conference and Launch Event of the Leverhulme News Use project.

Inaugural Conference of stsing

Leakage reveals cracks and holes; it signifies porosity, the transgression of a boundary, and a rebuke to fantasies of closure and containment.

Gendering Music Matter. Power, Affects, and Infrastructures of Music Industries

The gender gap in the music industry (understood in its broadest sense) has been evident, perceptible, measurable, and publicly discussed for many years.

Human Tech Transition:Crises in Mediatized Politics, Society & Economy

2024 International Communication Association (ICA) regional conference Human Tech Transition is to create an international forum, a modern agora of thought exchange, and discussions about communication immersed in modern technologies through the prism of changes imposed by the crises of modernity.

The Nordic Journalism Studies Seminar Series (NordJourn) - Happiness and Work Meaningfulness in Journalism

Date: 13th of March, 2024 Time: 4-5.30 pm (CET) Location: The third NordJourn seminar will feature two thought-provoking keynotes that shed light...

Twentieth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society

2024 Special Focus—People, Education, and Technology for a Sustainable Future

ECREA Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2024

We are happy to invite you to participate in the ECREA Summer School 5-11 August at Roskilde University, Denmark. The application deadline is 15 February, 2024.

Working in/for Platforms International Conference

Working in/for Platforms International Conference will be held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona, and will host two days of paper sessions, round tables, and keynotes.

Monitoring Mediascapes for Democratic Communication in Europe: Meet the Challenges of an Election Year

The EU-funded MEDIAdelcom project invites you in Brussels on 15 February to meet leading researchers, academics and media representatives to discuss the future of the media, the need for change, and the role of deliberative communication and deliberative journalism.

XLIV International VAKKI Symposium

The purpose of the workshops is to provide participants with a less formal setting to exchange intellectual ideas and practical experiences on focused topics.

Symposium - The Public Value of Communication Infrastructures in the Nordics

*Live Stream of Symposium* The Nordics have been described as “one internet”. This interconnection relies heavily on American tech companies...

Between Digital Wellness and Hellness

One day event exploring the interplay between digital technology and wellness.

Big Data Discourses: Communicating, Deliberating, and Imagining Datafication

The conference sets out from the idea that the public understanding of datafication is driven by discourses in the media and among policymakers and the imaginaries they evoke.

The Cultural Techniques of Law

This workshop is the third event organised by a network of Nordic critical legal scholars who originally came together at the 2012 Critical Legal Conference in Stockholm.

Helsinki Conference on Emotions, Populism and Polarisation (HEPP4)

The conference will be organised on-site primarily but also with hybrid options, and streamed keynote sessions.

4th ECREA Journalism Studies PhD Colloquium - Call for Participants

The PhD Colloquium aims to connect up-and-coming journalism researchers and experienced colleagues in the field, and to provide mentorship to doctoral students.

Hybrid: The Nordic Journalism Studies Seminar Series (NordJourn) - Journalism and Alternative Media 

Date: 7th of december Time: 3-4.30 pm (CET) Virtually on Zoom For registration scroll down. Chair: Professor Jannie Møller Hartley,...