PoP24 Conference
Power of Prestige: Media, Fame and the Environment
Power of Prestige (PoP24) Conference: Media, Fame and the Environment
Prestige is the status or reputation associated with renown, acclaim or glamour.
Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD) conference
This year’s conference theme is Borders and boundaries in/across discourses.
The 5th International Celebrity Studies Conference: Celebrity Crises and Conflicts
Celebrity Crises and Conflicts
2nd Annual BU Summer School in Digital Methods
Aimed at postgraduate researchers and early career researchers, Bournemouth University’s Digital Methods Summer School will be running from 1 to 5 July 2024.
IAMCR 2024
The 2024 central theme is Whiria te tāngata / Weaving people together: Communicative projects of decolonising, engaging, and listening.
London Conference in Critical Thought
The London Conference in Critical Thought is an annual interdisciplinary conference that provides a forum for emergent critical scholarship.
In this highly polarized framework, characterized by controversial and opposing positions, the proposal for a joint SAE-UTP (Pegaso Digital University)...
11th annual London Conference in Critical Thought (LCCT)
The LCCT is an annual interdisciplinary conference that provides a forum for emergent critical scholarship, broadly construed.
This two-day international conference, organised by the University of Westminster’s Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI).
5th International Media Literacy Research Symposium
Media literacy is a growing field with a need for developing and increasing the research within it.
The 2024 IVSA conference is dedicated to exploring the concept of “visual accountability” .
An international conference on the regional magazine
This conference aims to expand this area of scholarship, and invites contributions on a neglected magazine genre, from any era or nation.
An international conference on the regional magazine
Magazines are usually associated with the metropolis, with capital cities, and with national and international movements and identities.
DisNet Conference 2024
Free online conference.
Registration Closes: 21 June 2024
Media & Learning 2024 – Back to the Future?
What lies ahead for the Media & Learning community:
2nd Symposium on AI Opportunities and Challenges (SAIOC)
An avalanche of AI to radically change Society
The 15th International Conference on Computational Creativity, ICCC’24!
The ICCC conference series organized by the Association for Computational Creativity since 2010 is the only scientific conference that focuses on computational creativity alone and also covers all aspects of it.
15th International Conference on Computational Creativity
This conference and its associated workshops exist to discuss the how and what of computational participation in creativity.
The Aesthetics of Bio-Machines and the Question of Life
This conference aims to bring together a wide range of scholars, researchers and artists who explore life-simulating technologies from an aesthetic perspective.