Culture Crossroads is an international peer-reviewed journal published by the Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture. It publishes articles in English.
Aims and scope: “The goal of Culture Crossroads is to develop and expand theoretical and methodological approaches to the research of art and creativity with emphasis on the potential of a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinarity. The main focus of the publication is on the interaction of cultural, artistic and creative processes as well as the synergy between them and other domains of national economy, politics and social life. It is targeted on the most topical issues and discussion points in culture studies and arts. The publication is open to research in the fields of ethnology, theory of culture, semiotics, cultural anthropology, museology, cultural heritage, management of culture, sociology of culture and art, cultural economics (including creative industries), cultural politics, audio-visual art, performing arts, dance, theory of literature, musicology, law, linguistics, or other domains of culture studies and arts.”
Frequency: published once a year
Launched: 2004
Peer reviewed: Yes
Open access: Yes
Languages: English
Genres: Scientific articles
Length of research articles: 15 000 – 30 000 characters with spaces
Reference style: Florida 2011: 98 or Florida 2011
Book reviews: N/A
Publisher: Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture
Venue of publication: Riga
Publication level: 1 in Finland
Indexing: EBSCO (Humanities Source Ultimate), ERIH PLUS, ULRICH’S, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)