16:9 Filmtidskrift
16:9 Filmtidskrift is a journal of Film Studies. The journal publishes articles in Danish with a few selected works in English.
Alusta! is an academic online magazine about new social research at Tampere University. The magazine publishes articles in Finnish and English.
Baltic Screen Media Review
The Baltic Screen Media Review focuses on all forms of audiovisual culture emerging from the Baltic region, incorporating conceptual and methodological insights deriving from film and media studies and related fields. The journal publishes articles in English.
Barn – Forskning om barn og barndom i Norden
Barn – Forskning om barn og barndom i Norden is a Nordic peer-reviewed scientific journal within the interdisciplinary field of child- and childhood studies. Articles are written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and English (for Finnish and Icelandic contributions).
Culture Crossroads
Culture Crossroads is an international peer-reviewed journal published by the Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture. It publishes articles in English.
Culture Unbound
Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research is a peer-reviewed journal for border-crossing cultural research, including cultural studies as well as other interdisciplinary and transnational currents. Articles are written in English.
Defence Strategic Communications
Defence Strategic Communications is an international, peer-reviewed focusing on defence perspective on strategic communication. The journal is published by a NATO-accredited, multi-national organisation. Articles are written in English.
Educare is a peer-reviewed journal in education and educational sciences with particular interest in the Nordic and Baltic region. The articles are written in English, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian.
EUREKA: Social and Humanities
EUREKA is a peer-reviewed journal whose main aim is to publish materials aimed at the study of society and human relations in society as well as economic relations. The emphasis is on the use of system analysis techniques, allows to see new discoveries at the intersection of different fields of knowledge. Articles are written in English.
European Journal of Scandinavian Studies
European Journal of Scandinavian Studies is a peer-reviewed journal in Scandinavian studies with the subareas of modern literature and cultural studies (including media studies), medieval studies and linguistics. Articles are published in English, German, Norwegian, Danish or Swedish.
Game Studies
Games Studies – the International Journal of Computer Game Research is a cross-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of the cultural genre of games. Articles are published in English.
Human IT: Journal for Information Technology Studies as a Human Science
Human IT is a multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed journal on digital media as communicative, aesthetic, and ludic instruments. Contributions are welcome from the humanities, the social, behavioural, and natural sciences, as well as technology. Articles are written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and English.
Information Research
Information Research is a peer-reviewed journal in the fields of information science, information management, information systems, information policy, archives and records management and librarianship. It publishes articles in English.
Journal of Digital Social Research (JDSR)
Journal of Digital Social Research (JDSR) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal focusing on the relationship between digital technology and society.
Journal of Intercultural Communication
The Journal of Intercultural Communication is a peer-reviewed journal promoting research, education, and training in the area of intercultural communication. The journal publishes articles in English.
Journal of Scandinavian Cinema
Journal of Scandinavian Cinema is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to research and discussion on the cinemas of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, both within their national and Nordic contexts, and as transnational cinemas in a globalized world. The articles are written in English.
Journalistica is a peer-reviewed journal for research in journalism. The journal publishes articles in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English.
Knygotyra - Book Science
The scholarly journal Knygotyra (Eng. Book Science) seeks to promote interdisciplinary research on the book and digital media culture, including all the varied possibilities of textual communication and related issues. Articles are written in English and Lithuanian.
MedieKultur is a peer-reviewed journal of media and communication research. It publishes articles in Danish and English.
Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information & Communications Technologies (NB!ICT)
The Nordic and Baltic Journal of Information & Communications Technologies is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal promoting debate on ICT developments among academics, analysts, professionals, and practitioners. The journal publishes articles in English.