Journal of Scandinavian Cinema

Journal of Scandinavian Cinema is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to research and discussion on the cinemas of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, both within their national and Nordic contexts, and as transnational cinemas in a globalized world. The articles are written in English.

Aims and scope: “Scholars from film studies, Scandinavian studies and any related field are invited to explore Journal of Scandinavian Cinema and to contribute articles that inspire a deeper understanding and an ongoing exchange of ideas across national and disciplinary boundaries.”

Frequency: 3 issues per year

Launched: 2010

Peer reviewed: yes, double-blind review

Open access: no

Languages: English

Genres: research article

Length of research articles: 4,000–9,000 words (including notes and references, excluding metadata)

Reference style: Harvard style

Book reviews: no

Publisher: Intellect

Venue of publication: Lund

Publication level: 1 in Finland, 1 in Norway

Indexing: Emerging Sources Citation Index, ERIH, Film and Television Literature Index, Film and Television Literature Index (with FT), International Index to Film Periodicals, MLA, Scopus, Ulrich’s