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Spinning in the Post-Doc Carousel: Lifting Up the Fixed-Term Researcher

At universities, employees are remembered in many ways. As the years of service and the employee's age accumulate, anniversary years are celebrated; festschrifts are prepared, and when employees change their workplace, farewell partiers are arranged. But who sees the fixed-term researcher?

European Databases Make Media Research Evidence Accessible

Many transnational research projects aim at producing added value by collecting research into databases. Recent examples with Nordic contributions include databases for European media ownership, research on children's online behaviour and content analysis.

Let the Algorithm Find the Fit? Journal Finders to Minimise the Guesswork

Finding the right journal for an article manuscript can be challenging. Could journal finders be of help to find a good fit? We made an overview for you and described how they work.

From Researcher to Editor: Magnus Fredriksson Joins Nordicom’s Editorial Team

In March, Magnus Fredriksson took on a role as editor at Nordicom. Fredriksson has a long experience as a researcher, focusing on public sector communication. “I am quite confident that he will help Nordicom be an even better servant to our Nordic research community”, says Jonas Ohlsson, director of Nordicom.

Doctoral Research 2022: What Did the New Nordic Doctors Study?

Climate change, artificial intelligence, algorithms and senior citizens' media uses – these are some of the topics of the new doctoral theses that were defended at the Nordic universities last year. In 2022, almost 60 doctoral theses were defended in the field of media and communication studies.

NordMedia Network Seeks a New Managing Editor

Are you NordMedia Network's new managing editor? We are now seeking a new person, placed at the University of Bergen, to take care of digital research communication. Is this the opportunity you have been looking for? 

New Nordic Research: Making Sense of Climate Engagement in Social Media 

Climate change is an important and complex issue, and social media play a key role in climate engagement. Many people are concerned about polarization, echo chambers and misinformation, but a recent study published in Nordicom Review adds to a more nuanced picture.

FSMK 2023: Registration is Open

It is now possible to register for the annual symposium of The Swedish Association for Media and Communication Research (FSMK).

Communication of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Nordic Countries

How was the Covid-19 pandemic communicated in the Nordic countries? A new book, Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries, provides some answers to this question. We have asked a few of the authors of the book why their study is important and who can benefit from reading it.

Joining Forces to Save Medienorge

The knowledge base Medienorge did not receive funding in the state budget of 2023. Now, three Norwegian foundations are joining forces to finance operations until the end of the year.

Trying to Get a Peek at Facebook’s Gatekeeping Power over News Distribution

In their article "Publishing, sharing, and spreading online news: A case study of gatekeeping logics in the platform era", the authors use a reverse engineering approach to study algorithmic gatekeeping in online news distribution.

Social Media and the Eternal Search for Authenticity

In a new article, Ida Roivainen from Tampere University argues that recurring representations of coffee articulate YouTube’s girlbosses as productive and ordinary entrepreneurs who seek belonging and meaning in life.

Join NordMedia Network's Online Writing Retreat

NordMedia Network is organizing two brand new online writing retreats in the spring of 2023. The dates are 31 March and 28 April. Choose one or both, and join us for a writing retreat!

Challenging the Century-old Ethical Rules of Journalism 

The ethical rules of journalism were first put in writing in the US in the 1920s. A hundred years on, we are looking at a completely different audience. Researchers at Karlstad University have written an article that challenges old, ingrained rules.

Will ChatGPT also Revolutionise Media Research?

OpenAI's new AI conversational bot, ChatGPT, has quickly gained popularity. The language model, which is based on GPT-3, has the ability to generate text and engage in conversations. In this text, the authors discuss potential implications such technology can have for media research.

The Media Systems Where Everyone Knows Everyone

In a new article, “Micro Media Systems”, Signe Ravn-Højgaard from the University of Greenland argues that we need to redefine scale when doing research in the smallest media systems – at least when trying to understand the effects of smallness not related to the small media market.

NordMedia2023: Call for Papers is Open

Call for papers for the NordMedia conference 2023 is now out and open for submissions.

Christmas Songs from the Nordic Countries

We have collected a handful of Christmas songs from each of the Nordic countries and made a Spotify playlist for our network to enjoy over the holidays. From timeless classics to parodies, we bring you a varied selection of Christmas songs to put you in a bright mood this season.

Collecting Memories from Finnish Researchers

What has it been like doing science in the past? The Finnish Literature Society and the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland seeks to collect Finnish researchers’ experiences and personal narratives from the science field in the past.

Experiences from NordMedia Network's Online Writing Retreats

Carving out half a day in your calendar for dedicated time for writing can be a good tool for anyone struggling with motivation or procrastination. We share some of the experiences from NordMedia Networks writing retreats this fall.