
Showing 297 news

Linking African Media Research Communities Together

Africa has a media research tradition which goes several decades back, but there is a lack of collaboration between researchers across the continent. A new platform can aid the situation and will also make African media researchers more visible for the rest of the world.

Pre-launch of AfroMedia Network

On April 28 between 14:30 and 15:00 AfroMedia Network will be pre-launched as the new digital platform for African media researchers.

MediaFutures Researchers Ask for Feedback on Prototype

Researchers at MediaFutures have been working on a web-based application that could assist in debunking false or re-purposed information present in tweets related to news events. The researchers welcome all feedback, suggestions, and criticism.

Misinformation Thrives During a Crisis

Falsehoods, rumours and conspiracy theories thrive during a crisis, and even more when the crisis revolves around a threatening disease. The combination of these factors in a digital age is a dangerous cocktail, says Johan Farkas of Malmö University, keynote speaker at MEVI2022.

A Scientific Editor Recommends Research Articles About Nordic Noir

Easter is upon us and "påskekrim" is a thing in Norway. Inspired by this NordMedia Network's Norwegian editor conspired with Nordicom Review's scientific editor to present a handful of interesting research publications about the significant sub-genre within crime fiction, "Nordic noir".

Scholarships for Media Research Have Been Announced

The Wahlgrenska Foundation announces seven scholarships in different categories, and The Journalist Fund for Further Training announces scholarships for journalists, with a connection to Sweden, who works in the field of journalism research and media research at a university or college.

"Covid-19 has Become the Communications Officers' Comeback"

Professor Bengt Johansson of University of Gothenburg has examined how municipalities in western Sweden have coped with the pandemic and communication - lessons that are important to include before the next crisis.

NordMedia Network List of Journals Now Includes Baltic Journals

From a listing focusing on Nordic scientific journals, we have now extended our journals' list to include Baltic journals publishing original media and communication research. See which ones in this highlight.

Reminder From the Norwegian Media Researcher Conference 2022: Special Conference Fee for Members

This year's Norwegian media research conference will be organized by the University of Stavanger on October 13 and 14, on behalf of the Norwegian Media Research Association.

Updates from the Finnish Conference for Media and Communication Studies MEVI2022: Keynote Speakers

The Finnish Conference for Media and Communication Studies MEVI2022 has just announced their keynote speakers.

FSMK Symposium 2022: Programme Published and Registration Open

It is now possible to register for the annual symposium of The Swedish Association for Media and Communication Research (FSMK).

Mobility Funding for Nordic Journalism Students and Educators

Nordic journalism students and educators at the member institutions of the Nordic Collaboration Committee for Journalism Education can now apply for mobility funding. The deadline is April 1. 

Digital Connectivity Facilitates Integration of Migrants in Iceland

In a new study researchers examine the relationship between migrants’ news- and social media consumption and the degree of attachment and engagement in the receiving country.

Why It Is Not Pointless To Have a Ukrainian Flag on Your Profile Picture

There is little to suggest that digital engagement makes people less engaged, says author and social media expert, Magnus Hoem Iversen.

Academic Reactions to the War in Ukraine

After the Russian invasion on Ukraine on the February 24, many international and national research associations published statements supporting the Ukrainians. Even individual academics have expressed their support, debunking dis- and misinformation. We gathered a few of the many academic reactions.

Update from the Finnish Conference for Media and Communication Studies MEVI2022

MEVI2022 will be held in Turku on 22 to 23 April 2022. The call for papers is now open.

Editorial Choices Can Impact the Amplitude of Business Cycles

News media's focus on financial reporting can influence business cycles even if the information reported is correct. One reason is that the focus of the reports can be on sectors that are non-representative of the economy in general.

Follow the MediaFutures Seminars Series on NordMedia Network

The MediaFutures Seminar series is hosted by MediaFutures – Research Centre for Responsible Media Technology and Innovation. From February it will be listed in our webinar section and co-promoted by NordMedia Network.

Update on the FSMK Symposium 2022

This year, The Swedish Association for Media and Communication Research (FSMK)'s annual symposium, The "FSMK-dagen" will be at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall on 5 to 6 May.

Does Your University Produce Content Relevant for Your Nordic Peers?

An important part of NordMedia Network's purpose is to inform and inspire the Nordic media and communication research community. That is why we have decided to provide the opportunity for you to use the platform as a communication channel.